Skolens principper vedtaget af skolebestyrelsen Dokumenter 1. Princip for skemalægning.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 2. Princip for fagfordeling.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 3. Princip for lejrskoler ekskursioner mm..pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 4. Princip for lokaler.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 5. Princip for skolehjem samarbejdet.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 6. Princip for underretning om elevens udbytte af undervisningen.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 7. Princip for elevbetaling i forbindelse med forplejningsudgifter ved lejrskoler.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 8. Princip for klassekasser.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 9. Princip vedr. trivsel tryghed og mobning.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 10. Princip for brobygning mellem børnehave og skole-SFO (liggende).pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 11. Princip for sundhed.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 12. Princip for den understøttende undervisning.pdf Shape Created with Sketch.